My Broken, Bleeding Heart
My heart has never bled before, but I know now why people are scarred from breakups. Every time I think of you, my heart starts to bleed more and more, and even more when I see you. You were the first ever love I had ever had, and I thought I had it all, and now I have lost everything. I hope you know my pain, but most likely, from the way you left me there crying, you probably don't feel a thing. My heart is cracking, and it still is this very moment, and I feel like I may never move on, one day later and you have. And every time I think of you with her, even if my heart was mended back in place, it would CRACK, all over again. Right now, I feel so much pain, I don't know how much my heart has bled, because I am thinking of YOU this very moment. And I hope you know that...